
Monday, July 15, 2013

South Beach Camping!

So this last weekend, Jake, me, and Jake's friend from work and his wife (Ryan and Daniel) went camping. Daniel had never been before and wanted to try it out before she heads back to Florida to visit her family. We dropped the dogs off at a friends and headed on our three hour drive. So, Below is our camp, and next to it is the view from our camp--right in front of the ocean. It was beautiful!!!! A little chilly, but still very pretty. 

Here is our neighbor......yeah, freakin weird.                Heading down to the beach!

 Jake and I took a romantic walk down the beach before the sun started to set (;

We bought a stand up grill that we could set up over the fire and we grilled ourselves some juicy hamburgers and brats. Then we roasted some marshmellows and made smores!!!! It was Daniells first time ever making a smore.

The sunset was beautiful!!!! First time watching the sun go all the way down over the ocean. Of course I had to capture the moment with me and my love! Lol, Jake refused at first, but came around after some persuasion (:

Here is Jake in the ocean, it was FREEZING!!!!!

Here is Daniell in front of the place where we meet for our KAYAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, that's right, we went kayaking down the river!!!!!  Unfortunately we couldn't take our cameras--that is we didn't want to ruin them by getting them wet. So these to pics are the only ones I have :( But I swear we went kayaking and it was a blast! There were a few rapids we went down that were pretty fun! Definitely made the trip a lot more worth it.

Here are our life jackets and booties. We wore them along with wetsuites and helmets. It was kinda annoying, but not enough to ruin the adventure.

We took a hike on a 5 mile trail through the rain forrest. It is beautiful out here.

On our hike we found some berries that were DELICIOUS! haha, idk what they are called, but they were really good. We also found some salmon berries later on, I just forgot to take pics of those ones.

Daniell eating some of the berries while making reservations for our kayaking trip!

We found a really pretty waterfall! 

This was the only gas pump for miles! Totally old school. Jake found some bottled mountain dew at the gas station, and it was heavenly delicious. So good!

After we got home, we picked up Adi. She was with three other dogs so she didn't get ANY sleep. I'm sure she was ecstatic to play with some other dogs. When we got home, Jake and Adi hit the sac and were completely out! Adi has slept for the last two days and we have been super tired lol. The trip was totally worth it though!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

4th of July!

So for the 4th of July, Jake and I went down to the water front. It was INCREDIBLY crowded like crazy, but it was still pretty cool. There were booths for people selling food and other random things for about a 1/2 mile along the water. We decided to bring Adi, which probably wasn't the best idea in the world. She was pretty annoying, pulling on her leash around all the people. Then we went down by the water and she had fun playing fetch with a stick we threw out into the water. The fireworks were awesome over the water! They were going off from the shores that surrounded where we were, it was way cool.

While we were eating our food, we found a little spot away from all the people. We also found this little guy!!!! yeah, he was dead. lol. Jake put it on my shoulder and I freaked out!

This is how much she loves me! she wanted a piggy back ride!

This is where we took Adi to play in the water. She had a blast!!!!!!!

We live in a beautiful place :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Woodland Park Zoo!

 So a couple of weeks ago we were in Seattle on a few errands. Suddenly Jake quickly takes some random exit off of our planned route. I look to the side of the road and suddenly understand and am totally not surprised when I see a big sign that says "Zoo" with an arrow pointing in a direction. Haha, visiting the zoo made the trip so much more fun and memorable! We had a blast, and the weather for once was super nice! Here are just a few of all of the wildlife at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle.


Little Roo!                         and a penguin (:                        JAGUAR

Snow Leopard, a sloth bear (Jake's favorite besides the sloth), and some more bears.

 In front of the kangaroos and Jake being a dork as always! ;)    


Elephants. And a very sleepy King of the Jungle.

We had so much fun and the areas the animals were in were freaking legit! Seriously, you could tell they put a lot of effort into making the environments really really awesome for the animals. Best zoo I've been to!