
Monday, October 29, 2012

Dawn of the Dead Dash, Seattle!

So Thursday Jake texts me from work:

"Tori Tori Tori! There is a sweet zombie race this weekend I think! They give you a map and you go to the checkpoints, and zombies chase you and if they get you, you get guts thrown on you and you become one!!!!!!!!"

I thought he was joking at first, haha but he was serious! So on Saturday we drove to Seattle, went to the temple, and then went on to the race.

The race was a 5k, three checkpoints, each about 1 mile apart scattered around Seattle. Volunteers were spread throughout the streets acting as zombies, and if they tagged you, you then became a zombie with them. It was a BLAST!

This is us waiting for the coordinaters to begin the freaking race! It was raining pretty hard core and it was super cold! It stopped raining right after we started running. 

Pre-Dawn of the Dead Dash Pic





Looking off into the distance........pondering life........deep in thought.........of what's to come..........


These pics were all pre-race faces, haha while we had lot's of energy...and were freezing our butts off! And excited for this thing to start!

haha......our fatty faces....i SWEAR! our faces are swollen cause it was super cold outside and we were running forever! I promise we're not this fat in real life!

We didn't think to take a pic of the crowd when it was still a little light outside and lot's of street this is a crappy pic of a few runners at the last checkpoint in the middle of a park. According to the coordinator there were around 500 people signed up for the run, there was quite a crowd and it was a blast!

Ok, so I was wearing Jake's XL t shirt just for the pic, so yes, I look like I'm prego, DON'T WORRY I'M NOT! haha jake's wearing my medium. He ran in mine, I used his as a scarf for a while, but it got super hot, so my sweatshirt and the XL ended up around my waist for the run. I looked like a nerd. haha but I didn't care, I was too busy DYING while Jake casually jogged a freaking 20 yards ahead of me the entire time! haha he slowed down for me sometimes lol. That's what I get for trying to keep up with someone who has to run 3-5 miles three times a week............  

This one's a little better. We had to wear these glow sticks which meant we were human. If we got tagged, we had to give them up and be a zombie.....yeah, I got tagged on the second checkpoint.....

The first checkpoint

So the first mile about KILLED ME! haha i was dying! There were a few zombies along the way, but we got past them pretty easy. Me and Jake were keeping up pretty well with the hard-core runners, we had to keep up cause we didn't know the way to the checkpoints, and didn't want to waste time figuring out the blurry map. We made it pretty easily other than me almost dying, but after the first checkpoint I did pretty good. I just had to get over the first mile, then the next two were fine (:

The second checkpoint

So the second checkpoint was in a little park with a fence all around it. There was only one little opening to get into the park, and of course there was a zombie hiding right close behind it. So, Jake--being that 20 yards ahead of me--ran through the entry first, DRAGGING THE ZOMBIE BEHIND HIM, so when I came through the opening the zombie was RIGHT IN MY PATH....seriously, chuck norris wouldn't have been able to get past yeah, I didn't count it as a tag because first, I was mad cause jake dragged it to me, and second because i didn't want to be left alone a zombie while jake finished the race........haha so we continued to the last checkpoint

The last checkpoint

So the last checkpoint was THE BEST! haha. It was in a larger park and it was FILLED with walkers! (zombies). So as we came close to the park, there were already like six zombies watching us and blocking out path. (once you get to the small circle in the middle of the park (safe-zone) you were good).
They started to come at us, so Jake BOOKED IT up the street next to the park. haha and with it he dragged five of the zombies, haha leaving one for me! (: (:  the zombies were bookin it right behind jake, and Jake would have barely made it to the safe-zone, but then three other zombies popped out and cut him off, lol so he got tagged. As for me and my zombie, he kept blocking my way, but then another human couple came, so when he jabbed towards them, I booked it and made it safely to the safe-zone (: haha Jake was mad cause he got bombarded with zombies, while I only had to dodge one (: (: (: 

So over all, the Dawn of the Dead Dash was a freaking BLAST! And I reccomend it to everyone for next year! We will definitely be doing it again, definitely worth the $40 for both of us!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Getting ready for HALLOWEEN!

So now that we have our pumpkins all ready and cleaned out, it was time to start carving!!!! It took hours and hours of researching for ideas for our pumpkins.......okay it took a total of 5 minutes, but I'm not gonna lie, the finished product is AMAZING! Not to brag or anything, but we've got skills. (: (:

And here we have Jake carving out his large pumpkin. He was pretty stoked to use his pocket knife to carve this baby! I think he found the little eyes the most difficult, he had to switch to a much smaller knife. haha it's a good thing his carving didn't require any more time than it did, or Jake probably would have murdered it out of impatience lol. Love him (:

Here is a sneak peek at Jake's finished product! Can you tell what it is? 

Here is a sneak peek at mine.......yeah, it's a little more obvious than Jakes...

Here are our baked yummy pumpkin seeds!!! They were pretty good, a nice snack while we worked on our masterpieces :)






AMAZING right????? Yeah, they look freaking good. Can't wait for halloween so we can show them off to the neighbors, they're gonna be SOOO jealous! hopefully they don't wilt by then.....

And we can't forget the treats for any trick or treaters we might get!

Aren't they so adorable??? Made from dum dum suckers and kleenex tissues (: Cute! I doubt we get any trick-or-treaters, but it's always good to be prepared! 

Pumpkin Patch!

This last weekend Jake and I had a ton of fun! We went to a pumpkin patch near Fort Lewis to get a couple pumpkins!!! When we left the apartment to head over there, the weather was nice and sunny....well halfway to the farm it started to downpour like CRAZY!!!!! It was so bad people were driving like 35 on the freeway! haha so we were a little bummed, especially since we left the umbrella at home :/  But we finally got the guts to get out of the warm cozy car and we hit the pumpkins, freezing the whole time!  Even though it was freezing, we had a great time! (:

The pumpkin farm would be a great place to take kids! It had little ponies kids could ride, hay bail rides on a wagon, a corn maze, a petting "zoo", and a lot of other fun stuff!

Lol! Jake was FREEZING!!!! We both were, haha so I took the photo as fast as I could. Even though he has a cold face, we both had fun (: 

They had pumkins out in the field that you could wander around with a wheel barrow and find the perfect one you wanted, but we were FREEZING and wanted to get out of there ASAP haha so I guess next year we'll have to hit the pumpkin patch earlier and check the weather before we go (:  These were all ready to go, so we found the biggest/prettiest ones we could get. This is me trying to find my pumpkin, Jake had already gotten his--and of course it was the biggest one out there!

These are the winners! They weighed 50 lbs total. I'm standing in front of the little barn they had where they were selling mini pumpkins, corn, apples, and lot's of other goodies (:

I added these cute little guys to our pile (: (: (: They're so cute! 

This is one of the pumpkin fields but this one only had a couple pumpkins, which you can't really see in this photo. I didn't get a pic of the field with tons of pumpkins, so use your imagination and pretend there's lot's of bright orange guys scattered everywhere!

So this is how we discovered the pumpkin patch. This is a little Mexican food "restaurant" that Jake and his cronies at lunch at for one of their breaks. The back half is the kitchen, and the front half has a bar counter on each sides with a few bar stools. This cool little place is just a few seconds from the pumpkin patch, so we stopped by and bought a couple drinks (:

Altogether it was a great day! We went right to work on cleaning/gutting out our pumpkins, getting the prepped for when we carve them in a couple days! Good weekend! And I am so grateful to have shared it with my best friend (:

Monday, October 8, 2012


Let's break out the PAINT!

SOOOO when I started messin around with some paints, haha of course Jake had to jump in on his own project too!     Here is our work and finished projects!!!! (: 


Sunday, October 7, 2012


So, here is a quick flashback of some of the things Jake and I have done over this month. This is the entertainment we have found in Tacoma lol.

Pet Smart!

On our Target runs we always make a stop across the street to look at the cute little guys they have each week! Their so cute! ..... ok this one looks kind of evil, but it's the only pic we had........


Jake, rocking his BYU t-shirt. haha we like to go to the mall sometimes, which is just down the road from us. There's a store in there, idk what it's called but it has lots of funky funny things like this ridiculous hat.....haha of course he couldn't resist.........

Cooking, Baking, YUM!

I do pretty much all the cooking and baking.....this "dessert" was an didn't turn out so well, it was suppose to be chocolate mousse haha. Still tasted okay, but super super sweet. And I left a little message for my hubby (: (: (:

Burlington Coat Factory

This was in Burlington's....we were super bored. This was in the children's section haha cute hat for a little boy!......or Jake haha


This was in a costume store haha you know Jake, so yes, I saw Obama and HAD to get my picture with him!  

Can't forget Romney!!!!!! :)

Point Defiance ZOO!!!!!!

Yeah, I only have one pic from the zoo, this cute fluffy little owl! (: We had lots of fun when we visited the zoo!


We have had TONS of fun going to different restaurants  This is at Farelli's Pizza. Brick oven pizza! So good!!!!!!!! We got free breadsticks because they forgot we ordered them! woo woo!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Gangnam STYLE!

So, Jake has been kinda obsessed with this song…………haha and so is basically the entire army, thanks to those who are stationed in korea--which is ALOT haha anyways, it is pretty funny, so i thought i'd share! (: 

…..and YES, lol he does practice these same dance moves as shown in the video haha (: I love him <3