
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpkin Patch!

This last weekend Jake and I had a ton of fun! We went to a pumpkin patch near Fort Lewis to get a couple pumpkins!!! When we left the apartment to head over there, the weather was nice and sunny....well halfway to the farm it started to downpour like CRAZY!!!!! It was so bad people were driving like 35 on the freeway! haha so we were a little bummed, especially since we left the umbrella at home :/  But we finally got the guts to get out of the warm cozy car and we hit the pumpkins, freezing the whole time!  Even though it was freezing, we had a great time! (:

The pumpkin farm would be a great place to take kids! It had little ponies kids could ride, hay bail rides on a wagon, a corn maze, a petting "zoo", and a lot of other fun stuff!

Lol! Jake was FREEZING!!!! We both were, haha so I took the photo as fast as I could. Even though he has a cold face, we both had fun (: 

They had pumkins out in the field that you could wander around with a wheel barrow and find the perfect one you wanted, but we were FREEZING and wanted to get out of there ASAP haha so I guess next year we'll have to hit the pumpkin patch earlier and check the weather before we go (:  These were all ready to go, so we found the biggest/prettiest ones we could get. This is me trying to find my pumpkin, Jake had already gotten his--and of course it was the biggest one out there!

These are the winners! They weighed 50 lbs total. I'm standing in front of the little barn they had where they were selling mini pumpkins, corn, apples, and lot's of other goodies (:

I added these cute little guys to our pile (: (: (: They're so cute! 

This is one of the pumpkin fields but this one only had a couple pumpkins, which you can't really see in this photo. I didn't get a pic of the field with tons of pumpkins, so use your imagination and pretend there's lot's of bright orange guys scattered everywhere!

So this is how we discovered the pumpkin patch. This is a little Mexican food "restaurant" that Jake and his cronies at lunch at for one of their breaks. The back half is the kitchen, and the front half has a bar counter on each sides with a few bar stools. This cool little place is just a few seconds from the pumpkin patch, so we stopped by and bought a couple drinks (:

Altogether it was a great day! We went right to work on cleaning/gutting out our pumpkins, getting the prepped for when we carve them in a couple days! Good weekend! And I am so grateful to have shared it with my best friend (:


  1. Great place to take the kids huh? Planning already for next year? HEHE ;) jk

  2. We still need to go to the grocery store and get ours. You know we carve them the night before Halloween so cub can take them to school.

  3. sweet! you better post some pics on facebook so i can see everyones pumpkins and costumes!
