
Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Leaving Tacoma :(

Sadly it's that time :( Time for Jake to head to Afghanistan. Moving out was a very long, drawn out, tedious process. Here is a little bit of our living space while moving everything into storage. My amazing visiting teachers made us a nice meal, which was divine! We were so grateful we didn't have to go out to eat. There's nothing better than a hot homemade meal and cookies! 

We stayed in a hotel the last few nights. His departure was postponed a couple times, due to wives mentioning classified specific information about the departure time and location. I was grateful to have another day with him. 

Our lovely storage unit. We literally jam packed everything in there as tight as we could fit it. It will be an adventure figuring out how to get it all moved out of there before he gets back :/

My mom flew up to drive back with me. I'm so glad she came, it would have been the longest, loneliest trip ever! She helped us clean the rest of our apartment too. #1 Mom!

Adi on the way home. About a 14 hour drive :( She was very sleepy and a good trooper.......despite the fact she chewed my mom's wheel on her luggage. It was a long trip. We listened to Divergent the entire way home. Halfway we stayed with Kirk and Carolyn VanSlyke who were kind enough to let us crash so late. 

And of course, we go from beautiful 50-60 degree weather, to THIS! Blizzard, snow everywhere!

 Jake is now safely in Afghanistan and doing very well. He says the base there is a lot nicer than he expected and it's pretty much like "summer camp".  He is living in a large tent with about 7 other guys. They built individual "rooms" with 2X4s and plywood. We are both doing very well.


  1. What a tough situation! But it sounds like you are both making the best of it. Sending prayers and hugs your way.

  2. We are glad to have you back in Smoot. We just wish we could have both of you. We'll keep you guys in our prayers.

  3. Thank you! We really do appreciate it.
