
Thursday, September 27, 2012


SOOooooOOOoooOOOOOooOOoOoooo  I was looking around on the internet at fun date ideas, lol and I found an awesome one that me and Jake had to try out….k more me than him, but weeeee……

buuuiiilltttt aaaaaaaaa   FORT!!!!! (: (: (: (:

and then we camped out in the living room (: (: but Jake took it down before I could take a picture :(

But it was pretty fun even if it was SUPER uncomfortable and Jake's back hurt in the morning haha
Can't wait for more fun dates in the future!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

FUN at home (:

So Jake downloaded a pokemon game, the same one we used to play when we were in grade school haha so of course he had a blast reuniting with the game for like 3 hours straight! lol he was making hilarious faces cause he was so concentrated on winning……and I caught him with the camera! haha pretty funny (:

Saturday, September 15, 2012

JAKE's A WEENIE!!!!! haha jk


haha! so Jake and I were shopping at Target, lol and he just couldn't resist the weenie in the Halloween section haha. love him! <3

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



Tacoma Sights (:

This was a few weeks ago, we decided to get to know Tacoma a little better. So we drove around and came across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and Narrows Park.

Tacoma Narrows Bridge
This is an awesome bridge, the photo for the background of this blog is the same bridge but at night. Pretty snazy! …I'm a pretty good model………

Tacoma Narrows "Park"
haha notice the "Park" is in parentheses lol Jake was a little upset there weren't any swings or jungle gyms lol. According to the boss, it's not a park unless there's a playground haha. I love him (:  I guess the beachside will just have to do.

Jake in uniform...

Jake in uniform! (:


This is me and Jake at Outback. It's just down the street from us and I've never eaten there before. DELICIOUS!  The food was SO good, and Jake loved his bloomin onion. This was our first weekend in Tacoma.

Monday, September 10, 2012


This is our Ford Fusion, LOVE the color! haha it's Jake's baby, he hates it when I call it the "Blueberry" (like Gus calls his car in Psych), but I think it's the perfect name!

This is after we took it to the car wash and cleaned it inside-out. Jake made me stand by it for the picture. Notice how he adjusted the front wheel at the perfect angle for the picture lol.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Starting Fresh in TACOMA!

Like the URL name? Pretty impressive right? It took me all of 2 whole minutes to come up with it. What can I say, I'm a genius! So I decided to start a blog since that's what everyone's doing now days (:  and so everyone can catch up with me and my hubby, make sure we're not getting into too much trouble.

Livin it up in TACOMA!

Tacoma so far is pretty great! There are lots of trees and lots of people, and A LOT of SIRENS! I guess that's what you get for living right next to the police station……. Seattle is only 40 minutes away! And there are lots of things to do here, including the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium! (which we HAVE already conquered, thank you very much…)

Jake really likes it here, I think it brings him back to Dallas after living in good ol Star Valley for a while. We live in a good area, Buffalo Wild Wings is right across the street, along with Wendy's, Wells Fargo, and Italian restaurant, Pier 1 Imports, and the mall is just around the corner! Plenty to keep us entertained. OHHHH!!!! AND COSTCO!! WOO WOO!  just five minutes to walk to! So basically, we really like it here, and everyone should come visit cause it's awesome! (hint hint)

work, work, work…..

So I've been pretty busy getting applications and handing out resumes. I have a second interview set up at Victoria's Secret as well as a 'congratulations' call from Pier 1 Imports….(I have a good feeling about that one, after my interview she put my resume and application in her "good" file). I'll be applying at Costco again at the end of this month since they pay pretty well. They don't start hiring till late Sep. early Oct.

Jake has been busy busy busy with the Army, not a surprise. For those of you who don't know he is a Black Hawk Helicopter Repairer so yeah, basically he's a BAMF! He leaves around 5:30 a.m. and gets home around 5-6 pm. In the mornings they go for runs, and lately he had to run 4.2 miles!  ugh, I'm glad I'm not in the Army; however, I am very proud to be and Army Wife!!!!