
Friday, March 1, 2013


On the plane on the long flight to Arkansas!!!

Playing spoons with the family! They were awesome! Can't wait to see them all again

Jake's Birthday cake!!! Happy 21st Birthday!!!

Jake's Nana (: 

Jake, Keaton, Nana

Haha keaton wanted the HUGE slice haha Victor had to help finish it

Vickie, Nana, Keaton, Jake

HAHAHA this was Nana impersonating those ladies who get botox and their lips pumped lol

Botox, lol she didn't realize I caught a pic of her lol and INSISTED I don't put it on Facebook haha....this isn't facebook, soooo...... (: (: (:

Birthday Boy!

OF COURSE we had to take a trip to the Sooner store haha I think Jake thought He'd died and went to heaven haha

Marley!!!! haha the FATTEST wiener dog I have EVER seen haha

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